Produced Water Haulage Smart Contract Template

Produced Water Haulage

Smart Contract automates approvals of haulage tickets for produced water using SCADA data.


Data Gumbo

Current version


Last Updated


Use Case

Commodity Haulage


.333% total transactions monthly

Product Description

The Produced Water Haulage Smart Contract automates approvals of haulage tickets for produced water using SCADA data, applies agreed pricing and business rules and creates configurable, pre-reconciled AR and AP invoices.  The smart contract automates the review, audit and approval of the charges, removing up to 95% of the manual touches required by existing digital (but manual) systems.  In field trials the smart contract has achieved up to 95% automation.

Features & Benefits

  • Integrates to any field ticketing, middleware or invoicing system via API
  • Integrates to any SCADA / IOT system via API
  • 95% reduction in manual processing time for tickets and invoices on both sides
  • Runs nightly to provide finality every 24 hours rather than every 2-4 weeks
  • Supports automated cost coding to Operator accounting and production systems
  • Additionally, validated tickets can be used to validate SWD charges based on the volumes hauled.
  • Outputs can be pushed to ERP and other enterprise systems via API



You must be a GumboNet blockchain user to deploy this smart contract template.

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